A week filled with distress
The ability to focus depends on how well you’re faring mentally. If you are worried, concerned and distressed, it’s no wonder that you can’t focus on the tasks that matter at the present moment. Because of these worries and feelings, you might not even be living at the present moment. Your mind is constantly occupied by the piles of concerns that never seem to end.
Well, after reflecting the past week for a some time, it is time to sort out the concerns and find out what is within our control and what’s not. Focus on what we can do to change the situation.
1 — Baseless accusation of cheating
When one is being accused on an offence that one didn’t commit without even a chance given to prove one’s innocence, the feeling of helplessness, stress, fear, frustration, anxiety, and the endless negativity tends to overwhelm. It gets worse when after several online correspondences with the institution, the response was “time is required to sort this out”, dragging the issue without managing the expected time for a response. Shouldn’t one have investigated the possible exception before even raising the accusation in the first place? Apparently, that wasn’t even done at all, seeing how my questions weren’t addressed, and a reply of “I don’t know” was all I have gotten.
Yet, what’s the point of having these feelings given that you weren’t be compensated for the emotional abuse that you have to go through with replies assuming that you’ve committed the offence, expressing disappointment, and not listening to what you have got to say even when you’re innocent. No wait, even before that how are you going to establish your innocence in the first place. Wait for their investigation? That’s not right, you should gather your own evidence and be prepared for the panel which would force you to admit that you’re guilty with their evidence. Yours must be more convincing and irrefutable. Apart from that, if resources permit, you might also want to hire a lawyer to seek advice on the matter and the best course of action to take. Remember that you’re dealing with an institution, not humans.
2 — Work culture misfit
Not fitting into the work culture is one that can cause tremendous distress and frustrations. Being in a place where you know no one and no one knows you question the point of being in the place in the first place. It gets worse when what you think could add value are being thrown out of the window, one after another. Ideas are overwritten by decisions. Decisions were overthrown by management. Blame was pushed down by decision-maker. The usual. Negativity have been flooding in. This week was the peak of all the previous months. The team seems like they are watching a good show.
Given that it’s a contract for now, it might be useful to assess if this role is really suitable. It’s fine to walk away if your mental health takes a toll because of the culture, people and their behaviour. You don’t have to force yourself to swallow and accept things how they are. Retaliate if you need. Walk away if you are unable to withstand it anymore. Don’t suffer in silence.
There is always a way out of the problems that you’re facing. Reflect and ponder. Make your decision and focus on what you can do. Trust that one day you’ll definitely find your place.